About Us

Silver Living GmbH
2340 Mödling
Neusiedler Straße 13/2

8010 Graz
Leechgasse 30

T +43 (0) 50 323
F +43 (0) 50 323 311
E office@silver-living.at

Commercial court Wiener Neustadt
CRN 343432y
UID ATU65644412
Tax number 04/351/7622


Despite the utmost care in the selection and presentation of any information provided here on www.silver-living.com, no liability of any kind can be accepted for any errors that may occur, and the topicality, accuracy and completeness of the project or object information cannot be guaranteed. The respective partner is responsible for content on specific partner websites. No liability is assumed for the content of any links that lead to pages outside of www.silver-living.com and the respective service provider is responsible for the information contained there. For information related to project investments, please contact Silver Living Service, for information related to renting apartments, parking spaces or commercial space, please contact SEWO Servicewohnen GmbH.

Visualizations of a property are so-called draft renderings or diagrams, so we reserve the right to make changes. The copyright © for these visualizations lies with SQUAREBYTES Interactive Media and Sehorst Visuals, among others.