First Austria-wide
Market survey
Senior living
The demographic tsunami is rolling in
Approx. €17.2 billion would have to be invested in assisted living facilities by 2030
The 2nd Silver Living market report for senior living comes to a sobering conclusion: By 2030, an additional need of 101,500 Assisted Living apartments is forecast in Austria. In the years to come, the housing problem for seniors will be exacerbated by the “baby boomer generation” in society if massive countermeasures are not taken. This applies to the new construction of senior-friendly apartments, but above all to the senior-friendly renovation of living space.
As with the 1st market report 2018/2019, the basis for the 2nd market report for senior living 2020/2021 is an extensive survey, which resulted in an analysis of the current situation and a database with existing Assisted Living facilities. In addition, demographic developments such as changes in income or housing situation or mobility among senior citizens as well as topics such as “living in a nursing home” were examined.
As a conclusion, the market opportunities for Assisted Living were summarized.
Outcome Silver Living Market Report Senior Living 2018/2019
“Austria is facing a gray housing shortage when it comes to senior living” is one of the key statements of the first Austria-wide market report on senior living, which was published by Silver Living in spring 2019. The Silver Living market report for senior living is a good basis for better assessing the market for Assisted Living, since, in contrast to other areas of life, statistics on this age group are largely missing in Austria.
Neben einer umfangreichen Umfrage aus der eine Analyse der Ist-Situation sowie eine Datenbank mit bestehenden Betreuten und Betreubaren Wohnanlagen sowie Pflegeheimen resultierte, wurden auch demografischen Entwicklungen, wie etwa Einkommensveränderungen oder der Wohnsituation bzw. -mobilität unter Seniorinnen und Senioren, und Themenbereiche wie „Wohnen im Pflegeheim“ untersucht.
Als Schlussfolgerung wurden die Marktchancen für Betreutes Wohnen zusammengefasst.